I've grew up involving myself into different hobbies. As I grew older, so did my hobbies. I want to continue working on my hobbies while building businesses around them so that I can continue to enjoy and share them with others.


I'm David Nguyen

I am a simple entrepreneur. Working at my own pace while having a full time job. Building business plans and saving, putting my assets to work and building passive income. Eventually, I hope to leave my full time job and work on what ever projects I choose.

I am actively seeking ways to earn multiple streams of income to help fund other new businesses to break my ties from the traditional work of hourly wage.


What's Important To Me

Family & Friends

You don't have to be related to be considered family.

Trust & Respect

Two way street. There is no connection if there's only one.


Get out of your comfort zone. It will lead you to new places

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