My Investments

Diversity allows protection when one sector is underperforming. The same concept can be applied to the different types of investments. There are many different platforms and variations on how to invest. The biggest mistake most Entrepreneurs make is the "get rich, quick" mentality. This is investing, NOT gambling.

Modern Investing

Surprising lower risk than typical investment while diversifying your investment portfolio in new and rewarding platforms.

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Index Funds

When you don't know how to invest but still want capital gains. Invest into funds where professionals do the work

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A bit risky, but it does not have to be. If you invest in major companies and play the long game, there is wealth in dividends and earnings.

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As an entrepreneur, it is only natural to invest into my own business.

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Modern Investing

Typical Investing requires a large sum of money to be deposited into an institution. Additionally, fees and managing is required to balance and leverage percentage to maximize gains.

Modern investing requires less cash and different investment opportunities without risk. Similar to crowdfunding, investment has adapted to micro-shares.

I have been recommended and searched multiple different platforms. One that is currently matched up with my goals is Fundrise. They are an eREIT company that has high dividend yields at a very low cost.

Micro Shares have been around for a long time and it allows users to own partial shares with partial earnings. M1Finance has been recommended to me and it allows me to control the percentage or pieces of my pie for investment.

Index Funds

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The most basic way to invest is with a trusted brokerage.

Need help?

Compare percentages with Conglomerate or Holding companies and their investment in other companies. You can easily research top investors or talking and exchanging ideas with your colleagues.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this content is for informational and educational purposes only and should not be construed as financial advice. I am not a licensed financial advisor. The financial strategies and investments discussed may not be suitable for everyone, and I am not responsible for any losses or liabilities that may result from following this advice. Always conduct your own research and consult with a qualified financial professional before making any investment decisions.